Menopausal Women’s Health

Menopause is a natural physiological phenomenon for women.  Women will generally experience menopause between ages of 45-55, but menopause can occur as early as age 35.  Therefore, it is important for women to fully understand menopausal health problems and be aware of the available treatments to manage the physical and emotional changes that take place with menopause.  

Though menopause generally lasts for 5 years, the actual time varies from person to person.  During menopause, the menstrual period will become irregular. Other symptoms include hot flashes, vaginal dryness, night sweats, changes in milk, insomnia, fatigue, emotional instability and loss of libido.  Symptoms can be relieved with treatment such as Chinese medicine or natural therapy.

Postmenopausal Women’s Health

Women become postmenopausal after incurring 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period.  During the postmenopausal period of life symptoms of menopause gradually disappear, energy levels slowly recover, and moods become more stable. Estrogen levels will decline during this period, so women become more susceptible to osteoporosis and heart disease. Risk of breast and ovarian disease will also increase with age; so postmenopausal women must have regular health checks.

The Women’s Health Center provides health checks, including bone density tests, mammography and ABVS full volume ultrasonography, four-dimensional abdominal and pelvic ultrasonography, cardiovascular tests, sleep disorder detection, hormonal precision testing, vitamin D deficiency and detection, nutrition counseling, hormonal supplements, and bone metabolic therapy,  all of which can help prevent or treat women's postmenopausal health problems.