No child looks forward to seeing the doctor.  At VITUP International Hospital Children's Health Center we strive to create an environment that’s relaxed, colorful and dynamic for children.  Our Children’s Health Center staff is trained on how to provide family education and support services and help children temporarily forget their illness and discomfort.

The VITUP International Pediatric Healthcare team has a wealth of experience from working closely with pediatric specialists in China and abroad, enabling VITUP to meet or exceed international standards for the delivery of high quality outpatient and emergency treatment services for children of all ages, psychological and behavioral counseling, and preventive healthcare services.

Children’s Health Center Services:

Pediatric Emergency Care
Children 's Growth and Developmental Assessment and Consultation
Neonatal Medical Care
Child Obesity
Children 's Behavior and Mental Health
Arthritis / Rheumatism
Sports Medicine
Child Nutrition Assessment
Pediatric Sleep Disorders

Pediatric sleep disorders

Sleep disorders in children and adolescents are common.  Poor sleep quality and lack of sufficient sleep for children can be associated with a host of problems: academic issues, behavioral problems, developmental and social difficulties, weight abnormalities,  physiological concerns such as sleep apnea, abnormal behaviors such as sleepwalking, and daytime symptoms such as excessive sleepiness.  While adults may suffer from the same problems, the cause, presentation, and associated findings in children may be very different than those seen in adults.    

VITUP maintains specialties in both Sleep Medicine and Pediatric Healthcare, so we are uniquely qualified to evaluate, diagnose and treat pediatric sleep disorders.